Saturday, 9 January 2010

Caters for every taste - except good!

Most of our readers will know that we have visited many places in the world but it is not until today that we have discovered the arsehole of the Universe. There can only be one thing worse a day in Cancun and that is two days or more in Cancun. We have had one hell of a wet day here and we want back on the minibus – now! Cancun was built as a tourist town and that is its raison d’existance; it was designed as a town for trailer-trash Gringos to laze in the sun and so for us stuck here on a wet and windy January day* it has been awful. So to keep you entertained, here is a picture of our friend Eddie Lizzard.

*last night was the coldest night for 25 years in northern Mexico where they have had snow


  1. "Cancun is a tropical paradise in the Mexican Caribbean renowned for unspoiled powder-white beaches, soothing aquamarine seas, and remnants of mystic Indian civilizations. There are a variety of activities to enjoy in or near Cancun, which includes diving, snorkeling, water-skiing, deep-sea fishing, biking, golf and tennis. A visit to the legendary archaeological sites should not be missed. Experience the magic Cancun has to offer...past and present." Are you guys sure you went there and not "Under the Volcano"?

  2. We've just removed Cancun from the list of places to see before we die!
    Happy New Year to you both ... we're late as usual.
    Love the blog.
    Sue, Graham & Sian (from the arsehole of Kent) xxx

  3. Well I did try to tell you C. If my ex in-laws like it it must be b***** awful!!! T
